My philosophy

Over several years of working with families, I realized that the best thing I can do as a family photographer is to influence the shooting process as little as possible.

Each family has a unique atmosphere, it is ideal and cannot be changed or adjusted. So all you need to think about before shooting is how you can have a good time together.

How it's gonna be

Before taking photos, I prefer to meet people in person or via video. Such a ritual will help us get to know each other better. I answer all your questions and help you decide on a place and time. After the meeting, you will receive from me a file with an even more detailed description.

Family Day  

I will spend a couple of hours with you documenting your family’s story

Services. Main

It includes:

  • 2+ h photo session
  • 80+ edited images 
  • support in preparation
  • ready photos in 7 days

€ 400

Please write to me if my values ​​resonate with you.

Get in touch